Tuesday 13 May 2014

The Nervous System - The Natural History Museum

The nervous system
Your nervous system is made of millions of neurons. Most of these neurons are in the brain and the spinal cord - the centre of re nervous system. The axons of the neurons make up the nerves that carry to and from all parts of the body. The cell bodies of these neurons lie within the central nervous system.

The central nervous system
The brain and the spinal cord are the controlling centres of your nervous system. They coordinate all the signals carried by your nerves and they control all your movements. Because your brain and spinal cord are made of millions of delicate neurons (nerve cells), they can be easily damaged. In your body they are protected by a special shock absorbing fluid and by the bones of your skull and spine.

This is a preserved brain of a human attached to the spinal cord where the central nervous system is place.

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