Sunday, 18 May 2014

My Final Idea- Making Crutches Stand

A huge problem my mother and many other disabled people face trying to make their crutches stand up by itself. When my mother goes outside to a number of shops, on the streets in the garden ect, she relies on her crutches to walk around. However, when she trie to do other tasks such as walking up the stairs or standing at a counter to pay for things; she has to rest her crutches on walls, counters ect. It tends to always falls down and due to he poor balance she struggles to pick back up as she can't bend down.
My mother tends to always leave her crutches to rest against the door, walls ect, to do this she has to get it at a angle the insures the it will not fall over.

Using a umbrella stand allows the crutch to stand up and stay into position. However, this can be only used inside as it is to bulky to take outside  well as heavy to carry.

When crutches are turned upside down they have a bigger surface area, which allows it to have more contact with the ground surface so it can balance.

I created a hock made from a hanger. The hock allows users to hang their crutches onto different surfaces. The hock also rotates which allows the users to hang their crutches in different positions.

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