Wednesday 23 April 2014

Interview With My Client

What do you find difficult doing in the house?
  • Bending down to pick up things from the ground, as I find it difficult to maintain my balance as I feel unstable.
  • Hovering
  • Carrying things around the house, cant carry certain items due to my balance, also I have to hold on to things.
  • Going up the stairs.
  • I find it hard to walk on carpets, I find it easier to walk on wood floor. I would like a carpet that doesn't create friction making easier for me to slide me feet across the floor.
  • Putting on shoes and socks.
  • taking things out of the oven.
  • Going in an out of the house on the half step.
What is the most difficult room in your house?

  • The bathroom because of the lack of space and equipment.

If you could change anything in your house what would it be?

  • Creating a downstairs toilet.

What piece of equipment would you like in your house?

  • Stair lift

What piece of equipment do you think can be improved?
  • A stocking aid because I find it hard to use, especially if you got problems with your hands.
What device could help you loo k after your pets that you would like?

  • Something that would help me clean the litter tray. As well as something that would help me clean them.
What is a huge problem for you?

  • Not being able to answer the door to people.
  • Taking food out of the oven.
  • Carrying things around the house.
  • Putting the rubbish out.
  • Grooming my nails.

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