Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Through my foundation course I have learnt that I would have to woprk fast in the future. Rather than spending hours and hours on sketchs, I would have to become less delicate with my sketches and spend less time as by doing this I will create more images and create more ideas to work with. My challege was to ceate a number of imageses useing me different senses. For example one of the tasks set was to create a image of the person sitting infront of me drawn with my weaker handd which is my left hand. I also had to draw another person with my eyes closed. I was only given 5-10 minuets to draw each person. Having done this task I learnt to rely on my intuition and to be less delicte and concern with my sketches.


Another task I did was create an unusual abstract face using collarge from magazines that had images of celebrities faces. I enjoyed doing this as I did not have a original plan or any idea of what I wanted the outcome to look like. I just went with the flow and let the piece speak for itslef.

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