Wednesday, 2 October 2013

3DD- Making an object out of paper that would hold a water bottle

This project challenged me as it made me think and compose a idea that had to resolve the problem, which involved me comming up with a idea in which I had to put together a paper componet that held up a water bottle. To do this I was given instructions, which was to only use 1 A4 paper and a arms length of tape to put it all together. I decided to do this by ripping papper and scruppling it. I then taped each piece together to make a base for support. Aftr doing this I ripped more paper and twisted four pieces togther also i tapped it to the base, which would caved the bottle in so thst it wouldnt fall out.

Once the piece was finished, I tested it to make sure it worked, it was successful and held the full water bottle.

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